Monday, March 31, 2008

"The Right Stuff"

The film the right stuff is a film about the space race between the U.S and USSR. The film showed the very competitive nature of both these nations. Both nations wanted to send men into space for space exploration. Not only that but also land on the moon, and send space satellites. It was more of a rivalry between the U.S and the USSR in the Cold War.
In the film it was quite obvious who was leading the victory, the Soviet Union was successful in sending the first man into space while the U.S was experimenting with chimps which made them look weak at what they were doing, Meaning the U.S was scared of what might happen if sending a man into space. they did not want to take that risk.
What I will remember from the film and the Cold War is that it was a rivalry during the Cold War, and that it was one of the most expansive thing that the U.S has done during the time, meaning the money spent on space exploration.

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