Thursday, March 20, 2008

Night and Fog

Night and Fog is a documentary that was made in 1955, the film showed the very setting of the Holocaust to great detail. It is shocking what you will find in the film, at first the film starts with the viewing of the locations of the genocide activities but then shows the very cruel actions of the Nazi's like the tools that they used the way they got rid of the bodies. To me the most shocking part of the film was when the bodies were discovered by the Allied Nation in Germany and then had to be removed by burring them, it was quite painful to see human beings even if they are dead to be treated like trash. In comparison to the film "Schindler's list" I found the film to be too good, what i mean is that it showed me too much of what the Holocaust was. But the film was excellent, it had allot of details that the other film did not. But the documentary in my opinion is not for the feint of heart.

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