Friday, February 8, 2008

Mustafa Kemal

Mustafa Kemal wanted the nation of the Ottoman empire to be secular. Kemal saw that the Ottoman empire was far to strict with the religion aspect. He wanted change in the nation the change would lead to the modernization of what is now known as the country of Turkey.

Mustafa Kemal used the republican regime for the people, Kemal new it would be the people's choices for the best. Kemal made better choices for what was fair for people. He liked the idea of letting women vote, which became one of six principles along with other principles. But besides letting women vote Kemal also wanted peasents to vote, he stated that the true rulers of Turkey were the peasents.
Kemal did not like the class structure he felt that it would not make the community as one and would not get the best out of them. Which he wanted, Kemal wanted every citizen to be equal and fair which make a better productive community.

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