Thursday, February 7, 2008

Film Lesson Gandhi

Gandhi helped India by using public speaking and gaining the trust and minds of Indian's. He wanted India to be a independent country and wanted the inhabitants in India the Sikh's, Hindu's and Mulsim's to be one. Britain made it hard for Indian's, by exploiting Indian's economicaly and making them second hand citizens. He stood up to the injustice's of Britain and took this unfair matter to his own hands and made a movement. He started making speeches that were public which gained attention from both Indian's and Britain. Britain was controlling literaly everything in India like salt mines, cotton and even the Indian people. Gandhi saw where they get their money and power from so he started influencing Indian's to stop buying products from Britain when Indian's themselves can make it. So Indian's took these word's and followed Gandhi and his freedom movement. Gandhi made a oath to himself to not to use violence he said using violence would just cause more violence so he urged his follower's to never follow the violent route. The famous saying came from him which is "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". Though Indian's refrained from using violence Britain used excesive violence even killing Indian's whenever they would march with Gandhi or just following his movement.

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